Wealth Management
Strategies to help grow and protect your wealth.
RockStar Financial complements your secured income and estate plan by growing your surplus assets. We will balance risk and reward and manage the impact of taxes.

Did you know that human beings are twice as concerned about avoiding losses than they are about achieving potential gains? That's one of the reasons humans tend to sabotage their own investing. Check out the video below to learn about one of the tools we use to empower our clients to become fearless investors.
The 3 Types of Money


Tax Deferred

The ultimate strategy when building wealth is to have your money diversified in all 3 buckets. We will help you determine the optimal amount to put in each bucket as well as which types of strategies to use so that you are paying the least amount of taxes you possibly can.
Over 35 diverse portfolios tailored to meet your individual needs
Everybody’s situation is different. We take the time to understand your needs, wants & desires and handcraft an investment strategy that reflects your unique situation. Our 5 money managers and their teams follow a mix of passive, strategic, and tactical methodologies while offering risk-tolerant options within each portfolio.
Model Portfolios

The Economic Trends series of models are designed to remain invested throughout the ups and downs of the market cycles, but also provide an underlying rule-based mechanism, that if triggered, aims to reduce downside risk. The models utilize ETF’s and mutual funds and are structured based on Modern Portfolio Theory with diversification across asset classes to seek to optimize risk and return. The low trading frequency of the models make them inherently tax efficient and they are re-balanced once a year.
The Flex Series is allocated 50% to the Momentum based tactical model and 50% to the Economic Trend Series with five different risk categories that range from Conservative to Aggressive. The momentum models can be traded often which may create short-term capital gains and losses. However, the Economic Trend portion of the overall Flex model aims to keep investors in the market by passively tracking an index and it utilizes Modern Portfolio Theory to develop asset class weightings and diversification while seeking to optimizing risk and return. By balancing the model between the strategic and tactical strategies, the portfolio is designed to capture the benefit of both styles of management.

The Strategic Series is based on a refined version of Modern Portfolio Theory, which seeks to optimize asset allocations based on risk and returns with an additional focus toward risk assessment of each asset class incorporated throughout the model. This series of five portfolios seeks better diversification by gauging asset allocations at a risk level to better diversify holdings and reduce overlap of assets. By broadening out different risk exposures this model hopes to reduce concentration of correlated investments across equity, fixed-income and alternative positions.
The Target Drawdown Professional Series utilizes a tactical, diverse, tax-efficient strategy designed to minimize downside risk to specified numerical targets based on a client’s investment goals. These portfolios are composed of actively managed ETFs that utilize a broad spectrum of equity and fixed-income positions that are designed to generate return through market participation across five individual Target Drawdown models. Portfolios are designed to go through scene change reallocations determined through an algorithm that utilizes a rules-based discipline reaction to changing market conditions.

The Core Series of eight individual portfolios across two models is structured to provide constant participation across equity and fixed-income holdings with the inclusion of multiple factor based ETFs that focus on specific drivers of variance with performance. Strategic rebalancing will be done quarterly unless market conditions prompt additional ad-hoc rebalancing. Asset allocation rebalancing seeks to take advantage of buy-low, sell-high methodology through realignment of position weightings for consistency with model objectives.

The Focused Series portfolios are built around singular investment objectives in order to address specific client goals and concerns in relation to economic conditions or the markets. Each portfolio is actively managed in accordance to the defined investment objective, such as maximum growth or an investment selection built around around a client who is concerned with rising inflation.
Be your own Bank
Another way in which we help clients is by showing them how to leverage their money by using the same business model that banks and other wealthy individuals have been using for hundreds of years. Let us teach you how to become your own bank!

We have a Fiduciary responsibility to our clients, which means that we hold a legal and ethical relationship of trust with everyone we engage in business with.
Take the next step with RockStar Financial.
Please contact us today to find out how!